
Educational Therapy Service Delivery Model at Elm Court School
Who delivers therapy at Elm Court School?
Independent and NHS teams attend Elm Court School weekly and work collaboratively as part of the multidisciplinary school team.
There is support from:
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
An Educational Psychologist visits the school fortnightly and collaborates as part of this team.
How is therapy delivered at Elm Court School?
Therapists and the Educational Psychologist work within the multidisciplinary team to help pupils have strategies in the classroom everyday.
This helps pupils to participate in their learning with a differentiated curriculum and an inclusive environment.
The 3-tier model of therapy delivery in educational settings

Educational therapy services are provided on a 3-Tier model where we can ensure all pupils receive support directly or indirectly. For more information see below.
The 3 tier model of therapy delivery in educational settings
Level of support: Universal
Therapy staff provide general advice and strategies for school staff who are putting support in place in the classroom every day.
What happens?
Whole school strategies
Staff training via INSET days, drop in learning sessions and staff meetings
Development of whole school therapeutic projects, such as, Zones of Regulation, sensory circuits and movement breaks, Total Communication, Colourful Semantics, Lego Therapy, Intensive Interaction, Word Aware- vocabulary support, Makaton
Level of support: Targeted
Therapy staff provide focused advice and strategies in collaboration with school staff who are putting support in place in the classroom every day.
What happens?
Classroom observation
Classroom based strategies that can be put in place by teachers and TAs and reviewed by teachers in a consultation with therapy staff
Teacher consultations to support with whole class strategies including support with passports that support sensory and communication needs across the school day.
Target setting
Demonstrating group and individual strategies and approaches to key members of staff with pupil(s) present
Sensory equipment provision to be trialled and used within the school environment
Level of Support: Specialist
Specialist Intervention requires a separate consent process and you will be contacted directly if this applies to your child.
Therapists are responsible for delivering therapy.
What happens?
1:1 or small group working to target specific goals
Development of programs within the classroom for specific students/goals
Making personalised therapeutic adjustments to learning tasks
Making personalised therapeutic adjustments to environment
Specialist intervention support is for a specific goal, with suggestions for home and the classroom provided at the end of the therapy input.