
At Elm Court School, our reading programme is organised into two strands. All pupils take part in the Accelerated Reader programme which further develops a whole school reading culture and encourages reading for pleasure. We also have a phonics programme, ‘Sounds Write’, which selected pupils attend.
Overall Aim:
Our long-term aim is to inspire a lifelong love of reading. We believe reading is central to learning. Developing a broader vocabulary and confidence with reading comprehension will empower our students to access our broad and ambitious curriculum. The programme will further our pupils’ independence as learners, improve language and communication skills.

Initial Assessment:
Pupils have taken one of two assessments – Star Reading or Star Early Literacy.
The information provided by the Star Reading assessment includes a readability range for each student which links directly to books in our library. Pupils choose books of interest to them which gives them ownership of the reading process.
Those pupils who have taken the Star Early Literacy assessment are working at a more foundational level. There are books available for those who are emergent readers to foster an interest in reading. This will also build on key literacy skills they are learning and developing across the curriculum.
Some pupils are also assessed using our phonics programme ‘Sounds Write’. Those pupils who are identified as requiring further support with the early acquisition reading skills attend phonics sessions with a trained member of staff.
Reading Time:
Reading sessions will take place every day lasting twenty minutes. These sessions are separate from other reading-based activities which form a standard part of our lessons.
Soon after finishing the book, pupils will log-on to the school AR site in class and take a quiz. Quizzes record their level of comprehension.
Parents wishing to find out further information may use the links below:
Accelerated Reader:
Sounds Write: