About Elm Court
Pupil Premium
Pupils on roll: 148 (at May 2023)
Pupils eligible for PPG: 55% (includes one looked after)
Total Pupil Premium Grant received: £70,920.00
At Elm Court, we are committed to raising pupil achievement across our diverse curriculum alongside the wider developmental learning needs of our pupils.
We invested the pupil premium income in targeted additional support to enable us to meet our pupils’ special educational needs, the main barrier to learning. The additional support is to ensure pupil outcomes, in terms of their progress, achievement, and engagement in the curriculum, are met. CBT and Talking Therapy introduce to expand the provision of therapy to support our pupil’s mental well-being. Date for next review: May 2024.
Internal progress data for eligible pupils: 2022-2023
Number of eligible pupils achieving expected and above progress:
Science was calculated using total pupil eligibility of 60 instead of 82 because we do not offer science in the 6th form.
87% of pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium achieved or exceeded expected progress in Maths, 88% in Science, and 78% in English.
Summary of spending in 2022-2023:
Literacy Support £10107.00
Art Therapy £12176.00
Music Therapy £15000.00
CBT £1460.00
Talking Therapy £32175.00
Total £70920.00
1. Additional literacy support from a Specialist Teaching Assistant
Objective: To improve progress within literacy levels, especially reading and phonics.
Outcome: Increased progress within literacy levels particularly pupils’ chronological reading age and their ability to learn to read (Phonics).
Evidence: Pupils received daily literacy sessions with specialist teaching assistants reflected in progress data. Resources purchased such as Lexia, Twinkl, Renaissance reading programme and Sounds-Write
Cost: £10,109.00
2. Increased provision of Art Therapy (14 Pupils) 12
Objective: To provide strategies for supporting pupils and develop sustainable interventions. Art Therapy is firmly established within our school as a therapy on offer. Pupils referred continue to respond positively to this support.
Outcome: Targeted intervention strategies for pupils. Increased engagement in the curriculum. Support to develop language or communication skills to support emotional needs.
Evidence: Targeted pupils saw a reduction in incidents. MIS data, progress data, and discussions with therapists and staff teams.
14 pupils received individual one-hour art therapy sessions. These ranged from one-off hourly sessions to a programme of daily sessions throughout the academic year, totalling 448 hours.
Cost: £12176.00
3. Continued provision of Music Therapy (8 Pupils)
Objective: To provide strategies for supporting pupils and develop sustainable interventions. Music Therapy is firmly established within our school as a therapy on offer. Pupils referred continue to respond positively to this support.
Outcome: Targeted intervention strategies for pupils. Increased engagement in the curriculum. Support to develop language or communication skills to support emotional needs.
Evidence: Targeted pupils saw a reduction in incidents. MIS data, progress data, discussions with therapists and staff teams
8 pupils received weekly individual one-hour music therapy sessions, totalling 189 hours.
Cost: £15000.00
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) (1 Pupil)
Objective: To provide strategies for supporting pupils and develop sustainable interventions. CBT has become an integral part of provisions supporting pupils’ mental health and well-being to improve accessibility to learning.
Outcomes: Pupils manage their emotions and behaviours well to improve behaviour for learning. Change negative ways of thinking towards situations that impact their learning.
Evidenced: Discussions with therapists and staff teams. Improved behaviour indicated by the MIS data.
Talking Therapy (10 Pupils)
Objective: To provide strategies for supporting pupils and developing sustainable Interventions. To create a safe space for our pupils to speak to the therapist to support them to find solutions without being judged. This is to support engagement in class and mental well-being.
Outcomes: Students engage in class and progress. Improved self-esteem and confidence in themselves. Change in negative attitudes towards learning and behaviour.
Evidenced: Discussions with therapists and staff teams. Improved behaviour and emotions.
All our pupils’ progress is measured against their predicted outcomes. These predicted outcomes are based on the results of consultation with Subject Leaders, feedback from staff, reference to the Department for Education and Ofqual guidance, and extensive research into approaches in place at other schools, and/or suggested by educational consultants. All the predicted outcomes we set for our pupils equate to what these sources consider to be outstanding progress from the end of Key Stage 2.
Pupils who make expected progress / above expected progress are those who are on track to achieve or exceed their predicted outcomes. We consider all such pupils to be making outstanding progress.
Date for next review: May 2024